360e Trainer

Are you looking for a 360e software trainer who can lead corporate training at your company? We can match you with an experienced 360e trainer who can run a virtual Field Services training session for your business.

Request training and a member of our team will be in touch.

360e Online Training

There are many reasons why companies request training in using 360e software. They might have recently signed up to 360e and want to ensure that they’re using the software to its full potential. They might want to onboard staff members to use 360e and want a certified trainer to answer all the tough questions that the team has.

In this article, we’ll be looking at some basic information that will help you get prepared for working with a software trainer. We’ll look at 360e implementation steps, how to onboard new users, how to train admins and how to best set up permissions. We’ll also look at a sample one-day training schedule that you could tailor with your trainer and will outline our upcoming 360e online course. Let’s start with implementing 360e in your business.


To get started with 360e, a field services software, the company should first assess their specific needs and goals. They should then gather all relevant data and information, such as customer details, job schedules, and inventory records. Next, they should install the software on their devices and ensure that all necessary hardware and software requirements are met. The company should then customize the software to align with their business processes and workflows. Training sessions should be conducted to familiarize employees with the software’s features and functionalities. Finally, the company should test the software thoroughly before fully implementing it in their field services operations. Ongoing support and maintenance should also be considered to ensure smooth operations and maximize the benefits of using 360e.

Who Needs Training?

For a company getting started with 360e, a field services software, there are several types of users who would benefit from training. Firstly, field technicians who will be using the software to manage their daily tasks and appointments would require training on how to navigate the software, input data, and access customer information. Secondly, dispatchers who will be responsible for assigning tasks and managing schedules would need training on how to use the software to efficiently allocate resources and track progress. Additionally, managers and supervisors would benefit from training on how to generate reports, analyze data, and make informed decisions using the software. Lastly, customer service representatives who interact with clients would require training on how to access customer information, update service requests, and provide accurate information to customers.

User Onboarding

1. Begin by creating user accounts for new users in the 360e software, ensuring that each user has a unique login and password.
2. Provide new users with a comprehensive training session on how to navigate and use the various features and functionalities of the software.
3. Assign a mentor or experienced user to guide and support new users during their initial period of onboarding.
4. Encourage new users to explore the software and familiarize themselves with its capabilities through hands-on practice and experimentation.
5. Offer ongoing support and training resources, such as video tutorials or user guides, to help new users continue to learn and improve their skills with the software.
6. Regularly check in with new users to address any questions or concerns they may have and provide additional guidance as needed.
7. Monitor the progress and performance of new users to ensure they are effectively utilizing the software and achieving their goals.
8. Continuously gather feedback from new users to identify areas for improvement and make necessary updates to the software…

Training Admins

To train admins of the 360e Field Services Software, start by providing an overview of the software’s features and functionalities. Explain how to navigate the user interface, access different modules, and perform common tasks. Conduct hands-on training sessions where admins can practice using the software and ask questions. Provide detailed documentation, user guides, and video tutorials to supplement the training. Encourage admins to explore the software independently and experiment with different settings and configurations. Offer ongoing support and regular check-ins to address any issues or concerns. Consider organizing advanced training sessions to delve deeper into specific features or customization options. Overall, a combination of hands-on training, comprehensive resources, and continuous support will help admins become proficient in using the 360e Field Services Software.

Setting Up Permissions

To set up user permissions in 360e Field Services Software, start by accessing the admin settings. From there, navigate to the user management section. Here, you can create new user accounts and assign specific roles and permissions to each user. Roles can be customized to match the responsibilities of different team members. Permissions can be set for various actions, such as creating, editing, or deleting records, accessing specific modules or features, and generating reports. It is important to carefully consider the level of access each user needs to perform their job effectively while maintaining data security. Regularly review and update user permissions as roles and responsibilities change within the company.

360e Training Schedule (example)

The one-day online training schedule for onboarding new users to 360e, a field services software, would include an introduction to the software’s features and functionalities. The trainer would start by providing an overview of the software, explaining its purpose and benefits. Then, they would demonstrate how to navigate the user interface, including accessing different modules and menus. Next, the trainer would guide the participants through setting up their profiles and preferences. They would also cover how to create and manage work orders, schedule appointments, and track job progress. Additionally, the trainer would explain how to generate reports and utilize the software’s communication tools. The training would conclude with a Q&A session to address any queries or concerns…

Upcoming 360e Course

We have a comprehensive 360e course on our waitlist for creation. Join the course waitlist for the below course.

Course Name: Mastering 360e: Streamlining Field Services Management

Description: This comprehensive online course is designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills to effectively utilize 360e, a powerful field services software. Participants will learn how to optimize scheduling, dispatching, and tracking of field technicians, as well as manage inventory, invoicing, and customer communication. Through interactive modules, practical exercises, and real-world examples, learners will gain a deep understanding of the software’s features and functionalities. By the end of the course, participants will be able to confidently navigate 360e, improving operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall business performance.

Expected Learning Outcomes:
1. Navigate and utilize the key features of 360e software.
2. Optimize scheduling and dispatching of field technicians.
3. Efficiently manage inventory and streamline invoicing processes.
4. Enhance customer communication and satisfaction.
5. Improve overall operational efficiency and business performance.

What Next?

We’ve outlined above some of the basics of implementing 360e in your business, getting staff onboard, updating settings etc and we’ve also looked at a sample online training schedule. If you’re looking for a virtual training session or in-person, on-site 360e training, reach out using the Request Training button above. If you’d like to enrol in a self-paced, online 360e course, join the course waitlist and you’ll be the first to know when it launches.
